Resources and practices

Project journey

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow emphasizes three stages of problem-solving: Reframe, Ideate, and Realize. And it uses Design Thinking as a process that helps to approach each of these stages in a structured, careful, and engaging way.

Within Solve for Tomorrow, the Design Thinking approach supports teachers and students by proposing a path to structuring a project capable of responding to a community challenge from a project journey in five stages: empathy, definition, ideation, prototype, and test. When navigating through the stages, you will find descriptors and general guidelines for each one and materials for deepening and developing activities.

Systematized in 2021 from the experience and knowledge generated and accumulated over the editions of Samsung Solve for Tomorrow in Latin America, the project journey serves as a guiding starting point, which can and should be customized based on needs and possibilities of students and teachers.

Project journey Solve for Tomorrow