Our vision

Connected education

The Samsung Solve for Tomorrow program invests in pedagogical practices that mobilize young people, teachers, schools, and communities in the development of projects capable of solving real problems that affect their daily lives. Through Project Based Learning (PBL), focusing on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach, and encouraging creativity, leadership, and collaboration, young people develop the skills and competencies needed to navigate and actively contribute to the solution of great contemporary challenges.

Solve for Tomorrow: The role of the mediator teacher

From this perspective, teachers become mediators, supporting students in their investigations, in their interpersonal relationships, weaving the necessary curricular relationships, endorsing the importance of the scientific method, and encouraging them not to give up, dealing with their insecurities and frustrations.

Infographic Connected Education
Seven knowledge necessary for the contemporary world

As provoked by Edgar Morin, in 2001, at the invitation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), education has the primary mission of supporting students not only to live in society but to be able to recreate it there, mobilizing knowledge to collectively build more just, sustainable and solidary communities. For the philosopher, there are seven complex lessons for educators and students in the Knowledge Society. Let’s access them!

1. Detecting error and illusion

Understanding that knowledge is a permanent construction, which is reviewed and recreated with each dialogic contribution.

2. Teach the principles of pertinent knowledge

Supporting the student to establish connections between the most diverse curricular contents to scientific thinking and the concrete life (experiences and feelings) of people.

3. Teaching the human condition

Inviting the student to understand himself as part of a diverse collective that shapes the actions, convictions, and behaviors of each one.

4. Teaching earth identity

Summoning an empathetic and less individualistic look from the student on those who for whatever reason are different, valuing diversities and taking them as a structuring pillar of a fair society.

5. Confronting uncertainties

Assuming doubt as the starting point of knowledge, calling students to be open to uncertainty, errors, and changes in routes in their individual and collective trajectories.

6. Understanding each other

Comprehending that physical, environmental, social, political, historical, ideological, and social aspects of the world are interconnected and imbricated in a complex web, and assuming complex thinking as a way to solve local and global problems.

7. Teaching about ethics for the human genre

Discussing with students the importance of the collective and each individual in social structures, with their unique and necessary responsibilities and contributions to the common life, in the individual-society and society-individual dimensions, reinforcing the causes and  social, political, environmental and economic agendas in a broad and permanent debate of ideas.

STEM Education: hands-on approach

Responding to research that identifies the growing disinterest of youth in school, the possibility of researching and building new knowledge territorializes curricular contents, bringing the interests of students closer to the school canon. Inviting them to actively participate in the prototyping of solutions, young people put into practice what they read and access in books and handouts.

The scientific practice of the STEM approach combined with collective work, which requires a set of soft skills, such as critical and creative thinking, mobilizes the student not only to think about society and its challenges but to discover themselves, and their interests, project futures and capabilities.

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow: how to implement STEM education

To support the concrete implementation of this pedagogical path, Solve for Tomorrow proposes a Project journey, which combines Design Thinking, a methodology for developing solutions to complex problems, with the rationale of the scientific method, valuing student autonomy and their ability to build a collective effort in the identification of issues that affect their community, in the elaboration of hypotheses that explain the phenomenon or that identify possible answers to it and in the concrete design of a solution to the identified problem, testing it empirically and systematizing the results.