Project gallery

Winner 2019


Report sent by the Teacher

Adilson Nilton Barahona Riascos


Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Sandona, Nariño, Corregimiento El Ingenio, Colombia

Project team composition

Donaldo Enríquez, Darío Martínez, Katherine Zamudio Barahona, Yuliana Timaná

Age of students

15 to 17 years old

Other areas of knowledge

Geography, Social Sciences or Sociology

Project duration

For more than a year

Soft skills

Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical thinking

STEM areas

Engineering, Sciences, Technology
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Empathy: learning from people’s values and needs

Project objective, problem to be solved, and main actions

The main objective of the project was to recover the tree species Heliocarpus americanus for the panela(sugar cane) industry, incorporating a technological element that extracts an input called mucilage without destroying the species.

We work with the question: is it possible to recover the species Heliocarpus americanus for the production of clean panela? How is it possible to extract the input called mucilage from the tree called Balso Blanco without it being affected and dying?

To conduct the project, first of all, programming of the discipline of Technology – Informatics is developed, which includes an environmental education practice in which they dialogue with the context that allows them to analyze the problems of the locality, systematize and analyze in different groups where to propose intervention and research proposals that give them more breadth and understanding of the problem for which they finally provide a technological solution.

The project was the idea of the young people, who then came to me.


Definition: better understanding of the challenges

Deepening into the issue and involvement of the school and local community

The community was involved through context investigation processes, generating material written by students when questioning the community. This material served as input for the analysis of the problem. They visited not only farmers but also dialogued with entities linked to the problem and the university to see what solutions have been proposed for the problem.

The University of Nariño helped with training and research, Trapicheros with information about the panela manufacturing process, Fedepanela (panela federation) with information, and the farmers with information as well.


Ideation: developing creative solutions

The development of the solution

To develop the solution, we did:

1. Context Reading
2. Analysis of the local environmental situation
3. Bibliographic and field research
4. Systematization
5. Generation of solutions (materials, resistance, type of energy, accessibility, scalability, sustainability)
6. Mockup
7. Support
8. Prototyping

Prototype: making ideas tangible

The construction of the prototype

As a prototype, the model of the proposed solution was presented.




Test: putting ideas out into the world

Evaluation of the process and the developed solution

A avaliação do projeto é desenvolvida nos cenários expositivos entre as turmas de cada série e depois de forma geral em feiras de caráter institucional. Na avaliação, foram utilizadas rubricas e observações das melhorias no desempenho das crianças nos diferentes cenários graças ao feedback dos colegas.

Reflections and pedagogical practices

The value of participating in Samsung Solve for Tomorrow

I could see the value of the pedagogical process both in terms of children’s knowledge and skills and in the recognition of innovation and projection of their ideas. The school’s participation in this type of project and initiative has increased, as have the territorial entities that paid attention to the students’ proposals.

Achievements and advances perceived by the teacher, throughout the process

Recognition of the pedagogical process, as well as the development of investigative skills in children, critical reflection and teamwork skills and autonomy; motivation for learning, as well as the generation of significant knowledge from different areas. An increase in national education test scores was also observed.

Challenges faced

1. Economic support for prototype development
2. Support in the construction of laboratories or workshops
3. Bad connectivity
4. Technological inputs

What I would change in the process would be for it to be more rigorous in terms of monitoring and systematization and also to leave the tests on a blog or website for interaction with the students themselves.

Learning incorporated into the teacher’s routine and practice

Research and systematization processes.

Teacher’s Tips

It is vitally important to know the characteristics of the context very well, to relate the scientific knowledge of the areas to motivate the participation of students, and to promote research on different topics, associating them with their imaginative problem-solving capacity. Do not underestimate any of the children’s ideas and accompany them with more questions, so that they investigate and deepen their knowledge of the problems detected.

Develop exercises that allow young people to communicate assertively, being clear about their discoveries and concerns, through writing and also verbally in different scenarios and that can be improved every day.

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